
Abbot, Charles, 562, 570
Ada, Kansas, 452
Adams, John Quincy, 123, 130, 197
Adams, John, 130
Aero Club of America, 529-530
Aero Club of France, 515
Akerman, Amos, 346
Albany County, New York, 24
Albany, New York, 270, 306
Alger, Russell, 527
Allegheny River, 88, 160
Allen, Clarence Herbert, (grandson of
    Catherine Van Cleve-McFadden), 125,
    234, 280, 504-505, 531
Allen, Edward Everett, (grandson of
    Catherine Van Cleve-McFadden), 281,
Allen, Eliza Jane McFadden-, 280
Allen, family 125, 280-281
Allen, General James, 527-530, 533
Allen Hall, Troy, O., 275
Allen, Katherine Pearl, 725
Allen, Marquis, 125, 280-281
Americus, Ind., 185, 191-192, 279
Anderson, Charles, 204, 290, 364-365
Anderson, Larz, 364
Anderson, Major Robert, 275, 364
Anderson, Richard, 364
Anderson, Richard C., 364-368
Anderson, Richard Clough, 364
Andersonville, Ind., 219, 273, 320
Andrews, Alfred (Peek) Stokes (son of
    Harry C. and Clare Andrews), 137,
    372, 531, 574, 712
Andrews, America, 300, 531, 574
Andrews, Dr, Franklin, 300, 531, 574
Andrews, Clare Stokes-, (wife of Harry C.
Andrews), 372, 531, 574
Andrews, Harry C., 531, 574
Andrews, James (husband of Mary
    CorneliaV.C.), 137, 257-258, 371, 531,
Andrews, Mary Cornelia (see Mary
    Cornelia Van Cleve), 137, 258, 371,
    531, 574
Appomattox, Virginia, 304
Arcanum, Ohio, 428
Armsrong Air & Space Museum, 578,
Armstrong, Neil, 576, 578

Arnold family, 115, 219
Arnold, Anna, 115, 125, 218-219
Arnold, General Harold, 569-571
Arnold, Jacob, 219
Arnold, Peter, 125, 218
Arthur, Chester A., 405
Athens, Ohio, 90-92
Atlanta, Georgia, 282, 293, 295, 297, 300-
   302, 530
Aunt Polly, (see Mary Van Cleve, Mary
   Van Cleve-McLain, and Mary Van
Aviation Heritage National Historical
   Park, 453, 577, 752




Baker, Charles Green, 574
Baker, David, 371, 531
Baker, Sarah Sophia Van Cleve- (dau of
   Benj. V.C. II), 371, 531, 574
Baldwin, Michael, 64
Ball, Reverend Joseph A., 219
Baltimore, Md., 88
Bates, Daniel, 216, 219, 228, 234, 245,
   316, 383, 430, 438
Bates, Eliza Wright-, (dau. of Porter &
   Lois, see Eliza Wright, Eliza Wright-
   Heywood, & Eliza Wright-Culbertson),
   marriage to Daniel Bates, 216
   219, 220, 223, 228,
   passing of Daniel Bates, 234
   235, 242, 245, 248-249, 251, 316, 383,
   430, 438
Bates, Hattie (Harriet), (dau. of Daniel &
   Eliza) 245, 312,
   marriage to Eli Kelly, 316, 429, 438
Battle Hymn of the Republic, genesis, 727
Bebe, Catherine Thompson-, (dau. of
   Catherine Van Cleve-Thompson), 152
Bebe, Lowell, 152
Beck, Mabel, 552, 560, 565
Beckel House, 343-344
Beecher, Catherine, 172
Bell, Alexander Graham, 529
Bellefontaine Road, 79, 113-114 177,
   179-180, 290
Belmont, August, 541
Benham, Catherine (see Catherine
   Benham-Van Cleve)


Benham, John (brother of Catherine), 19,

Benham, John (son of Richard, nephew of

   Catherine), 76
Benham, Peter (brother of Catherine), 23,

Benham, Richard, (brother of Catherine)

   30, 32, 35, 38-39, 42, 45
Benham, Robert, (brother of Catherine)

   20, 23, 29, 31-32, 35, 38-39, 42, 44, 57, 74
Benton Creek, North Carolina, 306, 308-

Benton, Senator Thomas Hart, 205
Bentonville, North Carolina, 302-303
Berlin, Germany, 467, 541
Bethel Cemetery, 115, 124, 126, 165, 188,

   214, 219-220, 224, 232, 235, 246, 276,

   290, 292, 296, 430, 478, 505, 575
Bethel Reformed Church, 126, 292, 504
Bethel Township, Miami Co., Ohio, 19,

   89, 92, 101, 104, 109-110, 115, 121,

   Asahel Wright moves to Bethel, 124,
   125-126, 128, 131, 133, 136-137, 142,

   146-147, 152-153, 155-156, 158-162,
   Dan Wright Sr.’s passing, 164, 165,

   168, 170, 174, 175, 183, 187, 188, 191,

   193, 196, 199, 200, 208, 209,
   Asahel’s passing, 212-214, 217-219,
   Sarah Freeman-Wright’s passing, 220,
   Milton Wright visits, 221,
   222, 223, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231
   Asahel Wright’s farm sold, 233, 235,

   239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 249,

   251, 252, 254, 256, 261, 272, 273, 275,

   276, 279, 280, 281, 288, 290,
   Martha Wright’s passing, 291, 292,

   310, 313, 352, 373, 377, 387, 395, 407,

   421, 429, 438, 443, 447, 473,
   Milton Wright visits, 478-479,
   480, 507, 509, 516, 560, 561, 575,
Billheimer, Amanda Hanby-, (mother of

   Lulu), 371, 434
Billheimer, Rev. Jacob, (father of Lulu),

   371, 737
Billheimer, Lulu, (wife of Reuchlin

   Wright), 371, 433-434
Bingham, Hiram, 523, 559
Birmingham, Alabama, 435-436, 444
Bismark, North Dakota, 439

Black, Fred, 567
Blissfield, Michigan, 443
Board of Education-United Brethren

   Church, 323, 403, 410, 419, 421
Bond, Harriet Van Cleve-, (see Henrietta

   Van Cleve & Henrietta Van Cleve-

   Dover, dau. of Benjamin), 349, 369,

   382-383, 387-388
Bond, Joseph, (husband of Harriet), 359-

Bonebrake Theological Seminary, 317
Booher, John, 113-114
Bowdin College, 240
Boyd, David F., 334
Boyd, Joe, 402, 405
Braden, Eliza Reeder-, 450
Bradford, Ohio, 307
Brandt, Ohio, 128, 196, 200
Breckinridge, John C., 269, 274
Brick manufacturing, 109, 178
Brookville Reservoir, 409
Brookville, Indiana, 409
Brown, Catherine Patterson-, 71, 82
Brown, Dr. Ryland, 284, 311
Brown, Governor Ethan Allen, 95, 108
Brown, John, 241, 269-270, 305, 450
Brown, Mary Reeder-, 284, 311
Brown, Thomas Alvan, 284, 311
Brunswick, Maine, 240
Bryan, William Jennings, 472
Bryant Cemetery, 507
Bryant, Indiana, 421
Buckeye Hominy Mill, 264, 277
Buffalo, New York, 270, 306, 492
Burgoyne, General John, 17-19, 29, 130,

Burkhart, Mayor Edward, 535-536
Butler County, Ohio, 38, 87, 96
Butler, General Benjamin, 295, 369-370



Calhoun, John C., 202
California gold rush, 227-228
California, 227-228, 244, 428, 432, 479
Cambridge City, Ind. 308,
   Samuel Wright in Cambridge City,

   391-392, 399-400, 404-405, 407-409,

   411, 413, 420, 423, 440
Cambridge, Ohio, 134, 155, 196
Camden, Ohio, 186-188
Camp Jackson, Ohio, 276


Camp Piqua, Ohio, 281
Camp, Walter, 432
Campbelstown, Ohio, 402
Canal development, 95, 103, 108-110,

   137, 155,
Carillon Park, 58, 66, 68-69, 72, 336, 513,

   572, 577, 752
Carlisle, Ohio, 410
Cass County, Indiana, 262
Cedar Creek, Va., 297-298, 471
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 371, 373, 375, 379,

   383, 388, 400, 427
Cedarville, Ohio, 282
Centerville, Ohio, 72,
   Benham family, 76
   Reeder family enters, 76-77,
   81-82, 85
   Wright family enters, 87-89, 91
   marriage of Dan Wright Jr., 92, 94,
   marriage of Asahel Wright, 97-98
   marriage of Elizabeth Wright, 99-101
   103-104, 107, 109-110, 119-121, 123-

   124, 128, 131-132, 154-187, 189, 199,

   203, 231,252, 260
   Harvey Wright preaches, 273, 284,

   291, 313, 315, 327, 373-375, 382, 392,

   437, 473
   Asahel Wright home restoration, 98,

Central High School, 386, 432-433, 448
Champaign County Air Museum, 754
Champaign County, Ohio, 60, 307
Chanute, Octave, 482, 484, 492, 497, 503-

   504, 515, 526-527
Charleston Falls, Miami Co., Ohio, 146
Charleston, Illinois, 254
Charleston, South Carolina, 275
Chicago, Ill.,273, 308, 379, 394, 400, 411,

   439, 440, 447, 451-452, 454-455, 457,

   474, 482, 492-493, 530, 560, 563, 574
Chillicothe, Ohio, 55-56, 59-61, 64-65, 90
Cincinnati, 9, 23, 24,
   Benham’s enter, 32,
   Van Cleve’s enter, 35-37,
   Reeder’s enter, 39-40,
   41, 42,
   John Van Cleve killed, 43-44,
   45-47, 52, 54-55, 57, 59, 60-62, 64-65,

   67-68, 76-77, 79, 83,
   Wright family enters, 87-88,

   92, 95, 102-103, 108, 117, 121, 137,

   142, 149, 153-154, 157, 160,
   Koerner family enters, 170, 172,
   176, 186, 189, 192,
   William H. Harrison election, 203, 206,

   Harriet Beecher Stowe’s residency,

   239, 252, 258-260, 264, 268,
   population in 1860, 276,
   284-286, 293, 295-298, 315, 327, 348,

   President Hayes election, 363-365,
   382, 388, 391,
   Benjamin Harrison election, 441,
   472, 524, 532, 537, 549, 574
Cincinnati Post, 524, 532, 537
Cincinnati Enquire, 537
Civil War,
   Army of the East 295
   Army of the West 295, 300
   Battle of Bentonville, 302
   Battle of Chickamauga, 293, 393
   Battle of Gettysburg, 287-288, 290-291
   Battle of Perrysville, 282
   Battle of Vicksburg, 287-288, 295
   Dayton celebrates war’s end, 304-305
   inception, 275-276
   mustering out ceremonies 309
Clark County, Ohio, 60, 76-77, 113, 183,

   190, 204, 230, 264
Clark, Mrs. Mary (dau. of Mary Van

   Cleve-McLain), 359
Clay County, Indiana, 222
Clay, Henry, 167-168, 202
Clear Creek, Kansas, 492
Clearcreek Twp., Warren Co., Ohio, 97,

   air show, 563
   population in 1860, 276
Cleveland, Ohio, 56, 270, 276, 307, 393,

   405, 454, 462, 563
Clinton, General Henry, 16, 19
Coldwater, Kansas, 436
Colfax, Washington, 436
Collier’s magazine, 558
Columbus, Indiana, 407
Columbus, Ohio, 18, 56, 95-96, 132, 135,

   146, 154-155, 157, 159, 169, 196, 200,

   264, 278, 288, 307, 310, 387, 407, 434,



Connecticut Militia, 17-19, 29, 87, 130,

   164, 276
Connersville, Indiana, 221, 284
Conover, Frank, 464
Conover, Ohio, 307
Cooper, Daniel, 42, 46, 54, 59, 69-71, 83,

   93-94, 130, 364
Cosmos Club-Washington, 529
Country Squire Inn, 114, 179
Cox, Governor James, 551, 554
Craighead, Samuel, 426
Crane, Dr. Edward L., 147-148, 288-290,

Crane, John, 563
Crane, Maria, (see Maria Crane-Wright),

   230, 234-235, 241, 256, 272, 290, 299,

   478, 508, 530, 575
Croddy, John Franklin, 311
Croddy, John, 280, 282, 293-294, 300,

   310-311, 450
Croddy, Mary, 280
Croddy, Sarah Reeder-, 280
Crook, General George, 471
   birth, 148,
   Civil war, 296-298,
Crouch, Tom, 217, 224, 226
Culbertson, Eliza Wright-, (dau. of Porter

   & Lois, see Eliza Wright, Eliza Wright-

   Bates, & Eliza Wright-Heywood), 255,

   261-262, 290, 299, 307, 310, 316, 318-

   319, 327, 349, 373-375, 381-383, 388,

   428, 437-439, 473-474, 509
Culbertson, Samuel,
   marriage to Eliza Wright, 249
   Samuel’s passing, 375
Curtis, Glen, 520, 541, 554, 563, 747


Dark County, Ohio, 308
Darrius Green, 499
DaVinci, Leonardo, 500
Davis, Rebecca, 437
Davis, Rev. Lewis, 251, 341, 394, 397,

   403, 408, 410, 414-416, 418, 437, 737
Day, Rev. W.C., 407
Dayton Daily News, 59, 395, 525, 545,

   551, 565
Dayton Daily Gazette, 266
Dayton Journal, 143, 150-151, 189, 197,

   257, 285-287, 427, 463, 500, 545, 564
Dayton, Jonathan, 54

Dayton settlement-first woman ashore,

Dayton, Sen. William, 244
Dayton Wright Airplane Co., 756
Daytonites, 132, 186
Deam family, 721
Deam, Harry, 230
Dearborn, Michigan, 567
Decoration Day, 332, 337
Deeds, Colonel Edward, 485, 513, 566,

Demarest, Jane (mother of Louisa), 352-

   353, 356, 381,
   home location, 732
Demarest, Louisa (wife of Warren

   Wright), 227, 230, 234, 352-353, 574
Demarest, Moira, (sister of Louisa, see

   Moira Demarest-Mead), 230
Dempsey, Chuck, 758
Denman, Mathias, 36-37
Dennison Jr., William, 264
Detroit, Michigan, 67, 80, 82-85, 98, 527,

Detroit News, 563
Dillon, Rev. William, 418-419
Dirac, Paul, 502
Donnel, James, 183
Donnelsville, Ohio 183
Donson, Helen Louise, (dau. of Louisa

   Belle Wright- Donovan), 575, 736, 750
Donson, Louisa Belle Wright-, (dau. of

   Warren & Louisa), 575, 352-353, 355-

   356, 574-575, 736, 750
Donson, William E., (husband of Louisa

   Belle Wright), 575, 736, 750
Douglas, Sen. Stephen A., 241, 254-255,

Dover, Donald, 701
Dover, Henrietta Sophia, ( dau. of

   Henrietta V.C.-Dover & Samuel Dover,

   see Henrietta Dover-Simpson), 360, 485, 530, 709
Dover, Henrietta Van Cleve-, (wife of

   Samuel Best Dover, see Henrietta Van

   Cleve), 120, 258, 360, 376, 485, 530,

Dover, Mary Ann, (dau. of Henrietta

   V.C.-Dover & Samuel Dover), 709
Dover, Phoebe, (dau. of Henrietta

   V.C._Dover & Samuel Dover), 709


Dover, Robert, (son of Henrietta V.C.-

   Dover & Samuel Dover), 709
Dover, Samuel Best, (husband of

   Henrietta V.C.), 115, 120, 258, 360,

   376, 485, 530, 709
Dover, Sarah, (dau. of Henrietta V.C.-Dover & Samuel Dover), 710
Dover, Thomas, (son of Henrietta V.C.-

   Dover), 257 -258, 376, 485, 709
Drury, A.W., 112, 397-398
Dry Fork Baptist Church (Preble Co.),

   104, 222, 705
Dublin, Indiana, 271, 306, 308, 391, 392,

   404, 420
Dublin, Ohio, 18
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 448
Dusenberry, Mark, 749


Early Birds, 563
Eaton, Ohio, 104, 184, 187, 221-222, 333,

   395, 402
Eckert, William K. (husband of Susanna

   Shearer’s sister Sarah), 362, 390
Edgar, John, 78, 112, 461
Edgar, Robert, 54
Edwards, Lucritia, 437
Einstein, Albert, 502-503
Elbert, Father John A., 571
Elder & Johnson, 490
Eleventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer

   Infantry, 276
Ellis, Ed, 489, 532
Enabling Act, 64
Engineers Club, 54, 363, 365, 566
England, 515
Engler, Nick, 683, 749, 759
Essex County, England, 509
Evening Item, 448


Fairmont, Indiana, 273, 392, 401, 404,

   422, 507
Fairview, Ohio, 134
Fast, Rev G.W., 416
Fauver, Catherine Van Cleve-, (dau. of

   Isaac Van Cleve), 152
Favorite, Mary Jane, 675
Fayette County, Indiana, 196, 199, 212,

   217-218, 221, 240, 242, 264, 271, 278-

   280, 283, 310, 314-315, 320, 428

Feight family, 386, 408
Feight, George, 384, 526
Feight, J.G., 386
Ferncliff Cemetery (Springfield, Oh.),

Findlay, Ohio, 430
First Presbyterian Church Dayton, 545,

Fischer Cemetery (Richland Twp., Ind.),

   261, 622-623
Fisk, Fred, 681, 743
Fisk, Joseph, 109, 119
Fletcher, Ohio, 307
Flint, Charles, 541
Fohl, Reverend John, 271
Folkert, Julia, 385
Forbes, Holland, 529
Ford, Henry, 502-504, 564-567, 573
Forman, General David, 17
Fort Detroit, Michigan, 80-85, 98
Fort Harmar, Ohio 34
Fort Loramie, Ohio, 81
Fort Meigs, Ohio, 84-85, 200
Fort Myers, Va., 517, 528, 538
Fort Sumter, 275
Fountain City Cemetery, 231
Fountain City, Ind., 231, 242, 279, 404
France, 516-524
Franklin Church-United Brethren, 409
Franklin County, Indiana, 409
Franklin, Ohio settled, 55
Franklinton settled, 56
Freedman, Andrew, 541
Freehold, New Jersey, 15-16, 19, 23, 29-

   30, 32-33, 44, 51, 258
Freeman, Edmund, 29
Freeman, John, 157
Freesoilers, 202, 211, 241
Fremont, John C., 244
Fremont, Ohio, 85, 298, 363, 369
Frost, Robert, 571
Fry family, 409-410
Fulton, Robert, 541
Funkhouser, Rev. Geo., 341, 408, 737
Furnish, Nancy, 155



Gallipolis, Ohio, 55, 440
Gano family name, 77
Gano, John Stites, 23, 39


Garber, Dr. Lester, 496, 674
Garfield, James A., 293, 298, 367, 392-

   393, 402, 404-405, 441
Garman, Charles, 422
Gates, General Horatio, 17-18, 164
General Conference -United Brethren

   Church, 323, 337, 341, 347, 373, 394,

   398-400, 403, 432, 444
Genesee Valley, New York, 88, 159-160,

Georgetown, Ohio, 295
Georgian Bay, Canada, 552
Gettysburg, Ohio, 307, 402
Gettysburg, Pa., 287-288, 290, 426
Geyer, C. J., 526
Gibson City, Illinois, 450
Giesman, William, 183
Gilead, Indiana, 422
Glenn, John, 575, 578
Glenwood, Indiana, 400
Goodwin, Margaret, 462
Gordon, Captain George, 46
Grand Army of the Republic, 335-336,

   370, 424
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 547
Grant County, Indiana, 240-242, 256,

   261, 273-276, 278, 280, 310, 314, 377,

   379, 392, 401, 404, 417, 498
Grant, Ulysses S., 287, 295-296, 298,

   300, 303-304, 306, 309, 321-322, 334,

   342-346, 363, 367, 541
Grant’s Tomb, 541
Great Wall of China, 579
Greencastle Cemetery, 328
Greene County, Ohio, 60, 81,136-137,

   224, 226, 230, 234, 308, 371, 501
Greenfield Museum, 564, 566-567
Greensboro, Ind., 231
Greenville, Ohio, 45, 55, 80, 104, 307
Grimes, Asa (husband of Marion Shearer-

   Grimes), 412
Grimes Field, 754
Grimes, Marion Shearer-, (sister of

   Susannah Shearer-Wright), 412
Grumbach, Carrie, 552, 561
Grumbach, Charles, 561
Guernsey County, Ohio, 134
Guiteau, Charles, 402
Gunckle, Lewis, 345, 365
Gunderson, Robert Gray, 206


Haas, Brother Mathias E., 571
Hambeltonian, 560
Hamilton County, 37, 39, 42, 45, 59, 61,

   65, 76, 117, 297, 410
Hamilton, Ohio, 55, 87, 96, 268, 418
Hammondsport, New York, 522, 554, 556
Hanby, Amanda (see Amanda Hanby-

   Billheimer), 434
Hanby, Benjamin, 434
Hanby, Bishop William, 434
Hancock, Winfield S., 392
Harker, Adelaide, (see Adelaide Harker-

   Heywood; wife of Alex Heywood II),

   311-313,438-439, 516
Harmon, Ohio Governor Judson, 533
Harmony Twp., Union Co., Ind.,

   170_171, 410, 420
Harpers Ferry, Virginia, 269-279, 272,

Harris, Catherine (dau. of Charles &

   Sarah), 320, 731
Harris, Clara (dau. of Charles & Sarah),

   320, 731
Harris, Charles (husband of Sarah Wright-

   Harris), 218, 320
Harris, Charles Wright (son of Charles &

   Sarah), 320, 731
Harris, Edward Milton (son of Charles &

   Sarah), 320, 731
Harris, Ella (dau.of Charles & Sarah),

   320, 731
Harris, Estelle (dau. of Charles & Sarah),

   320-321, 407, 452, 731
Harris, Harvey Buckley (son of Charles &

   Sarah), 320, 731
Harris, James Frank (son of Charles &

   Sarah), 320, 731
Harris, Laura (dau. of Charles & Sarah),

   320, 731
Harris, Orval C. (son of Charles & Sarah),

   320, 731
Harris, Sarah Wright- (sister of Milton,

   wife of Charles, see Sarah Wright),

   217-218, 271, 320-321, 375, 452
Harris, William Edgar (son of Charles &

   Sarah), 731
Harrison, Benjamin, 282, 295, 298, 441-



Harrison, William Henry, 39, 42, 81-86,

   107, 196-198, 200-207, 210-211, 295,

   335, 441
Hartsville, College, 170, 173, 240, 249,

   317, 319, 322-323, 405, 407, 409-411,

   413-414, 416, 418, 441, 445
Harvard, 363
Haskell County, Kansas, 437
Haskel, Harry, 553, 559
Hawley, Senator Joseph R., 426
Hawthorn, Nathaniel, 435
Hawthorn Hill, 547-553, 577, 752
Hay, John (A. Lincoln’s secretary), 286
Hayes, Rutherford B., 269, 296-298, 363-

   371, 392
Henry Ford Museum, 564, 567
Heywood family, 125, 159-160
Heywood I, Alexander (son of Thomas &

   Sarah, bro. of Nathaniel), 125, 198-199,

   208-209, 216, 218, 231-232, 242-243,

Heywood II, Alexander (son of Nathaniel

   H. & Eliza Wright-Heywood), 207,

   216, 219, 275-276, 278, 281-282, 293,

   300, 302-303, 308, 310-313, 319, 374,

   429-430, 439, 516, 517
Heywood, Aurie Elizabeth, (dau. of

   Nathaniel, & Eliza Wright-Heywood),

   243, 255, 474
Heywood, Cyrus, (son of Thomas &

   Sarah, bro. of Nathaniel), 199, 208
Heywood, Eliza Wright- (dau. of Porter

   Wright, see Eliza Wright, Eliza Wright-

   Bates, & Eliza Wright-Culbertson),
   marriage to Nathaniel Heywood, 159-

   160,163, 16, 190, 195, 199, 200, 207,
   passing of Nathaniel, 208-209
   213, 216, 275-276, 439
Heywood, Nathaniel (son of Thomas &

   Sarah, husband of Eliza Wright), 125,

   159, 160-161, 186, 191-192, 199, 207-

   208, 210, 213, 223, 429, 438
Heywood, Sarah Van Cleve- (see Sarah

   Van Cleve, dau. of Wm. V.C. &

   Elizabeth Wright-Van Cleve), 198-199,

   218, 242-243
Heywood School (Troy, Oh.), 438
Heywood, Thomas Van Cleve, (son of

   Alex I & Eliza V.C.), 216,

Heywood, Thomas, (son of Nathaniel H.

   & Eliza Wright-Heywood), 207, 219,

   223, 245, 262
Heywood, William “Jud” (son of

   Nathaniel H. & Eliza Wright-

   Heywood), 207, 219, 223, 245, 262
Hillsboro, Virginia, 170
Himes, Anna Van Cleve-, (dau. of Isaac

   Van Cleve I & Elanore Suman-V.C.),

Hippard, Reverand S.M., 737
Hiram College, 393
Hoadly, Gov. George, 426
Hocking River, 56
Holabird, South Dakota, 479
Holes Creek, 52, 72, 78, 140-141, 187
Holland Michigan, 413
Holman, Robert, 234, 264, 277-278
Holt family, 68-69
Holt, Anna Van Cleve- (wife of Jerome,

   see Anna Van Cleve), 47, 69, 82, 108,

   113, 152, 210, 252, 272, 574
Holt, Jerome, 40, 43-45, 47, 54, 68, 71,

   79, 83, 108, 114-115, 142, 210, 252-

   253, 260
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 387
Hoosier Drill Works, 413
Hoover Block, 448, 453-454, 456
Hoover, Felix, 120, 124, 131-132
Hope, Indiana, 407, 409-410
Horney, Fred W., (1st husband of Helen

   Louise Donson – granddaughter of

   Warren & Louisa Wright), 736, 750
Hott, Reverend J.W., 390-391, 394, 398,

   408, 415, 422, 737
Howard, Fred, 521
Howell, Mrs. W.R. (Margaret, dau. of

   Mary Van Cleve-McLure), 358
Howells, William Cooper, 162
Howells, William Dean, 162
Hoy, Walt, 759
Hudson-Fulton Celebration, 541
Huffman Prairie, 46, 100, 115, 226, 501-

   506, 508-519, 512-513, 515, 517, 520,

   522-523, 525, 569, 571, 578
Huffman, Mary Elizabeth Van Cleve-,

   (dau. of Isaac Van Cleve & Elanore

   Suman-V.C.), 152
Huffman, Torrence, 99-100
Huffman, William, 99
Hull, General William, 80, 98



Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 25th Regiment,

   280, 293-294, 300
Illinois, 225, 243, 254, 280, 310, 505
Inauguration Day changed, 718
Independence Day, 17, 20, 75, 80, 89,

   122, 129-130, 159, 310, 403, 416
Independence Hall, 579
Indianapolis, Indiana, 96, 13, 240, 244,

   284, 288, 308, 311, 353, 374, 389, 400, 439
Inner tube box, 482-483, 502, 510
Italy, 424, 524


Jackson Center, Ohio, 245, 262
Jackson County, Ohio, 440
Jackson, Andrew Stonewall, 88, 122, 167-

   168, 202
Jakab, Peter, 501
Jefferson, Thomas, 64, 74, 122, 130,
Jersey Shore, 404
Johnson, General Joseph, 302, 304, 308
Johnson, President Andrew, 306, 309
Johnston, Colonel John, 80, 102, 193, 201
Johnson, Mary Ann, 577


Kansas City, 444, 446-447, 450-452, 455,

   457, 486-487, 490, 506, 509, 543, 559
   Forest Hills Cemetery, K.C., 553,
Kansas, 202, 211, 239, 247-248, 269, 434,

   436, 451-452
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 241, 254
Keeler, Harriet Ella Wright- (dau. of

   Samuel & Maria Wright, wife of Harry,

   see Harriet Ella Wright), 428, 479
Keeler, Harry, 428, 479
Keister, Reverend George, 737
Kelly, Eli, (son-in-law of Eliza Wright-

   marriage to Hattie Bates, 316
   317-318, 383, 429-430, 438
Kelly, Fred, 354, 569-570, 581
Kelly, Harriet Bates-, (Hattie, dau. of

   Daniel Bates & Eliza Wright-Bates),

   316-318, 383, 429-430, 438
Kelvedon, England, 509
Kemp, Rev. John, 327, 332, 341
Kemper, Reverend James, 41, 259

Kennedy, General Robert, 426
Kensington Museum, 559, 567
Kentucky Volunteers (War of 1812), 81
Kentucky, 21-22, 37, 44, 55, 65, 69, 75,

   81, 115, 137, 167, 196, 259, 282, 309,

   364, 560
Kenyon College, 363
Kettering, Charles, 566
Key, Francis Scott, 88
Kill Devil Hill, 498, 522
Kiracofe, Reverend, 409, 416, 418
Kirby Cemetery, 192
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, 386,

   474,482, 484-485, 491-494, 496-504,

   506, 510, 515, 520, 553, 559, 565-566,

Knight Brothers-attys. Springfield, Ohio,

Koerner family, 170, 188, 271, 314
Koerner, Caroline (see Mrs. D.K. Zeller),

   170, 389, 446
Koerner, Catherine Fry-, 170, 276, 409
Koerner, Daniel, 170, 377, 409, 420, 446
Koerner, John Gottleib, 170, 276, 410
Koerner, Silas, 170
Koerner, Susan, (see Susan Koerner-

   Wright), 170-173, 240, 249, 263-264,

Koerner, Sylvanus, 420
Kokomo, Indiana, 400, 404, 414
Kosciusko, General Thaddeus, 18, 689
Kumler, Rev. Henry, 403


Lahm, Lt. Frank, 536
Lafayette, Marquis de, 33, 45
Lake Erie, 85, 95, 103
Lake View Cemetery-Cleveland, Oh., 405
Lancaster, Ohio, 56, 296, 300, 303
Landis, Rev. J.P., 341
Lane, Amanda Wright-, 576
Lane, Senator Joseph H., 269, 274
Langley aerodrome, 477, 481, 498, 520,

Langley, Samuel, 386, 467, 477, 481,

   498, 520-522, 554-558, 570
Lanthburn, W.H., 391
LaVasseu, Phillip, 386, 391
Le Mans, France, 516, 522, 544

Le Temps, 544


Leather bound manuscript, 101, 103, 258,

   376, 485
Lebanon, Connecticut, 17, 19, 87
Lebanon, New Hampshire 30
Lebanon, Ohio, 45, 61, 74, 97-98, 191
Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 323, 337, 341
Lecompton, Kansas, 452
Lee, General Robert E., 287, 295, 303-

   304, 308
Lesourdsville Amusement Park, 87
Lettenbauer, Baron A.J., 537
Lewisburg, Ohio, 104, 139, 142, 222
Lexington, Kentucky, 37, 65, 69, 560
Liberty, Indiana, 171, 391
Libertyville, Illinois, 560
Lilienthal, Otto, 467, 471, 474-475, 481
Lincoln, Abraham, 211, 241, 243, 247,

   Lincoln-Douglas debates, 254, 255,

   speech in Dayton, 264-270, 272,

   presidential election, 273-274,
   275, 276, 278, 284, 285, 286, 287, 290,

   291, 295, 296, 297, 301, 303, 305
   funeral train, 306-308, 365, 389, 407,

Lincoln, Kansas, 452
Lincoln, Mary Todd-, 264, 268
Lisbon, Iowa, 394, 398, 400
Log Cabin campaign, 196-198, 200-207
Logan County, 60
London, England, 567
London Standard, 543
London Times, 518
Los Alomos, New Mexico, 504
Losantosville, 32, 34-37, 64, 189
Louisiana State University, 334
Louisiana, 203
Ludlow, Israel, 36-38, 42, 46, 55, 77
Luellen, Marvin, 316


Mad River Township, 76-77, 118-110,

   152, 179
Mad River, 46, 52, 55, 81, 92, 143, 189,

   223, 359, 505
Maddox, Chloe, (wife of Jacob Arnold),

Madison, President James, 78
Madisonville, 61

Mahomet, Illinois,-John Croddy’s home,

Manchester, Ohio settled, 55
Manhattan Project, 503
Manley, Charles, 481
Manning, James, 388
Marietta, Ohio, 33-34, 55,
Marion, Indiana, 240, 254, 256, 273, 404
Maryland, 71, 77, 113, 247
Massie, Nathanial, 64
Massachusetts, 17, 23, 129, 164, 344,

   393, 572
Maumee, Ohio, 56, 82, 84-85
Maxwell, James Clerk, 481, 503, 513
McClure’s magazine, 468
McCook Field, 577-578, 756
McCrary, George W., 369-370
McDaniel, Dr. Joe, 674, 685
McFadden, Catherine Van Cleve-, (dau.

   of Wm. V.C. & Sarah Miley-V.C., see

   Catherine Van Cleve), 174, 190, 214,

   219, 224, 233, 235, 245, 261, 280-281,

   290, 472-474,    478-479, 485, 504-505,

   507, 531
McFadden, Eliza Jane, (dau. of Hugh &

   Catherine, see Eliza Jane
   McFadden-Allen), 125, 227, 280-281,
McFadden, Harriet, (dau. of Hugh &

   Catherine), 227, 250, 265
McFadden, Hugh, (husband of Catherine

   Van Cleve-McFadden), 114-115, 125,

   176, 227, 233, 249, 265-266,
   sisters of Hugh McFadden, 708
McFadden, Samuel, 114-115, 125
McGuffy Readers, 172
McGuffy, William Holmes, 172, 239
McKee, Reverend William, 737
McKinley, William, 298, 471472-
McKnight, Anna Dover-, 485
McLain family, 359
McLain, Benjamin (son of Mary Van

   Cleve-McLain), 359
McLain, Catherine, (dau. of Mary Van

   Cleve-McLain), 359
McLain, Jerome (son of Mary Van Cleve-

   McLain), 359
McLain, John (husband of Mary Van

   Cleve-McLain), 65, 71, 132, 359
McLain II, John, (son of Mary Van

   Cleve-McLain), 359


McLain, Margaret, (dau. of Mary Van

   Cleve-McLain, see Mrs. W.R.

   Howell,), 359
McLain, Mary (dau. of Mary Van Cleve-

   McLain, see Mrs. Mary Clark), 359
McLain, Mary Van Cleve-, (see Mary

   Van Cleve & Mary Van Cleve-

   Swaynie), 82, 132, 256, 349
   ninetieth birthday, 357
   passing of Mary, 414
McLain, Sarah (dau. of Mary Van Cleve-

   McLain, see Mrs. John Swaynie), 359
McLure family, 52, 54, 56, 359
McMillan, William, 42, 698
Mead, Daniel, 230
Mead, General George, 287, 295
Mead, Moira Demarest-, 230
Medlar, Carol Rauch, 265, 723
Medlar, Daniel Lucian, 265, 723
Meigs, Return J., 78-79, 88
Memorial Day, 477
Memorial Hall, 389
Miami Chapel Church, 339
Miami County Sheriff, 429-431
Miami County, Indiana, 235, 240-241,

Miami County, Ohio, 19, 79, 92, 97, 101-

   102, 104, 109, 110, 115, 123,
   Asahel Wright enters, 124-125, 131-

   132, 147,
   Eliza Wright enters Bethel Twp.,153,

   159, 161, 164-165, 170, 183, 185-186,

   192- 193, 200-201, 203, 207-209, 213,

   217-218, 220, 229,
   Asahel Wright farm sold, 233-235
   240-241, 243, 247, 254-256, 261, 272,

   275-277, 279-280, 284, 286, 288, 289-

   293, 298, 300, 303, 307, 310, 312-313,

   316, 318, 350, 355, 373-374, 421, 429,
   courthouse, 431, 438-439, 447, 473,

   516-517, 560-561, 575
Miami Erie Canal, 95, 110, 122, 137, 200
Miami River, 39, 51, 58- 60, 64, 66, 71,

   78, 93, 95, 101, 137, 143, 147, 159-

   160, 187, 200, 234, 339, 395, 408, 414,

   429, 438, 449, 464, 468, 485, 505, 531,

   549, 566, 577, 584
Miami Union newspaper, 288, 289, 312,

   318, 347, 350, 351, 355
Miami University, 75, 172, 239, 282, 295,

   364, 441

Middletown, Ohio, 52, 87, 122, 137
The Midget, 433
Miley, Abraham, 704
Miley family, 87, 96
Miley, Sarah (Sarah Miley-Van Cleve),

   87, 89, 96, 115, 125, 147, 154, 156,

   174, 280, 479
   sisters, 702
Millville, Ind., 301, 314-317, 406, 418,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 439
Mississippi, 187, 203, 287, 295
Mississippi River, 88, 91, 97, 227, 284,

   286 373,
Missouri, 205, 241, 247, 267, 274, 321,

   408, 444, 450, 455, 506
Moline, Michigan, 413
Monk, George W., 426
Monmouth County New Jersey, 15, 17,

Monroe Twp., Preble Co., Ohio, 103-104,

Monroe Twp., Preble Co., Ohio, Baptist

   Society, 705
Monroe, President James, 119, 121-122
Montgolfier brothers, 522
Montgomery, Alabama, 435
Montgomery County courthouse 73, 225-

   226, 257, 265-266, 424
Montgomery County, 43, 52, 59, 65, 73,

   74, 79, 97, 111-114, 118, 120-121, 137,

   154, 198, 230, 257, 260, 266, 296-297,

   398, 461
Moore, Anson, 400, 407, 420
Moore, Lucinda, 509
Moraine Airport, 58, 78
Morgan, General John Hunt, 288, 725
Morgan’s Raid, 288
Morrison, Clara Lee, (Clara Lee

   Morrison-Wright, wife of William),

Muskingum River, 33-34, 56
Myers, Dr. Jerry, 753


NASA, 504
Natchez, Mississippi, 187
National Aviation Heritage Park, 568, 577,-578, 752
National Cash Register, 505, 571-573
National Historical Landmark, 514


National Mechanical Engineering

   Landmark, 514
National Museum of the United States Air

   Force, 579
National Road, 57, 64, 71-72, 74, 77, 86,

   95-96, 104-105, 108-110,
   President Monroe signs road bill, 119-

   126, 128, 131-132, 134-136, 140, 146,

   150-151, 153- 157, 159, 168-169, 173-

   Eliza Wright petitions Congress, 183-

   184, 185-187, 190, 193-194,
   Brandt, Ohio, 196, 199-200, 213, 219,

   221- 222, 231, 233, 242, 245, 256, 271,

   278, 281,
   Morgan’s raiders, 288,
   292, 301, 352, 360, 387, 395, 411, 478,

National Road legislation, 64, 71-72, 77,

   96-97, 121-122
Nebraska, 239, 241, 247, 254, 262, 339,

   395, 397, 408, 450, 455, 467
Neff’s Corner, Indiana, 240, 242, 273
New Castle, Ind., 231, 244
New Concord, Ohio, 134, 196, 575, 578
New England, 438
New Hope, Ohio, 402
New Paris, Ohio, 86, 307, 360, 402
New Salem, Indiana, 273
New Westville, 402
New York City, 269, 281, 306, 541, 544-

New York Herald, 537
New York Times, 542, 544
New York Tribune, 282
Newcom Tavern, 65-66, 68-69, 73
Newcom, George, 52, 54, 56,
Newell, Emerson, 563
Newport, Indiana, 244, 254-255
Nicolay, John (A. Lincoln’s secretary),

Niles, Ohio, 298, 471
North Carolina insurrectionists, 291
North Carolina, 9, 291, 302, 303, 304,

   306, 308, 309, 334, 474, 484, 491, 499,

   504, 520, 521, 523, 559
Northwest Territorial Legislature, 42, 57,

   59, 63-65
Northwest Territory, 20, 24, 33, 34, 35,

   47, 57, 59, 63, 64, 85, 87, 102, 107,

   197, 278-279, 316

Nutt, Aaron, 76, 703
Nutt, Joseph, 76, 91, 703


O’Neil, Joseph W., 426
Oakley, Ohio, 47, 61
Oakwood, Ohio, 89, 547
Oberlin College, 454, 455, 456, 457, 462,

   469, 554
Oberlin, Ohio, 454
October 5, 1905, 512
Ogan, John, 138
Ohio Civil War volunteers, 276
Ohio Company, 33
Ohio Historical Society, 434
Ohio River, 20, 23, 32-33, 35, 51, 55, 72,

   76, 81, 88, 95, 103, 119, 149, 160, 239,

   247, 276, 279, 288, 295, 373, 388, 473,

Ohio statehood, 63-65
Ohio University, 90, 92, 103, 151, 257
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 11th Regiment,

Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 94th Regiment,

   281-282, 293, 300, 302, 303, 308-310,

   313, 439
Old Tennent Church, 19-20
Olean, New York, 88, 160, 382
Oppenheimer, Robert, 503
Oregon Historic District, 152, 180, 349
Oregon, 178, 247, 249, 250, 256, 261,

   263-264, 269, 272-273, 339, 390, 406,

   408, 432, 450
Otterbine College, 434
Oxford, North Carolina, 308-309
Oxford, Ohio, 75, 171, 172, 187, 441


Packard Corporation, 527
Panama Canal, 450
Panama, 250, 269
Parade of boats & barges, 468
Paris, France, 524
Parrott, Colonel H.A., 426
Parsons, Herbert, 529
Pasteur, Louis, 581
Patent Office, U.S., 310
Patrick, James, 437
Patterson, Colonel Robert, 37, 44, 69, 71,

   81-82, 364, 548
Patterson, Elizabeth, 82


Patterson, John, 69, 81, 102, 547-549
Patterson, Robert, 549
Paul Laurence Dunbar State Memorial,

Perry, Commodore Oliver, 85, 198, 203
Perry Township, Clay Co., Indiana, 222
Perrysburg, Ohio, 84
Perryville, Kentucky, 282, 303
Peru, Indiana, 241, 479, 530
Petition to Congress-by Elizabeth Wright-

   Van Cleve, 183-184,
Petree, Estelle Harris- (dau. of Sarah

   Wright-Harris), 407-408, 452
Petree, Frank (husband of Estelle Harris),

Petree, Harvey, Jay, Leo, (sons of Frank

   Petree & Estelle Harris-Petree),
   service in World War I, 731
Pettijohn, Reverend Lewis, 220
Phillips, Harvey, 562
Phillips House, 257, 265-266, 268, 285,

Piersol, James, 564-565
Piqua, Ohio, 79, 80, 81, 102, 193, 194,

   201, 209, 216, 281, 307, 355
Pittsburgh, Pa., 20, 33, 44, 260, 479, 508
Poincare, Henrie, 502
Point Pleasant, Ohio, 295
Polling, Laura Andrews-, 531
Poplar Grove School, 175, 185, 216, 229,

Popular Aviation, 562
Portage County Ohio, 264
Portsmouth, Ohio, 35, 63
Potomac River, 498, 518
Pottsdam, Germany, 541
Preble County, Ohio, 103, 107, 221-222,

   402, 625
Proctor, Colonel Henry, 84-85
Pruner, Rev. W.J., 394, 398, 422-423, 737
Pyramids of Egypt, 579


Randolph, Stella, 562
Rankin, John, 239
Ranney, Rufus P., 264
Rasenberger, Jim, 749
Raysville, Indiana, 242-243
Read, Samuel Walker, (husband of Aurie

   Elizabeth Heywood), 243
Recher’s boarding house, 418, 420-422

Reed, Samuel, 421
Reeder, Catherine, (dau. of Margaret VC-

   Reeder, mother of Milton Wright, see

   Catherine Reeder-Wright), visit from

   Uncle Benjamin V.C., 62,
   to Centerville, 76, 92, 94, 98,
   to Indiana, 107, 143, 154, 170, 189,

   son Milton’s Oregon mission, 249,
   Milton’s homecoming, 271,
   273, 280, 283, 314,
   passing of Catherine, 315, 327, 504
Reeder, Elizabeth Stier- (wife of Stephen

   Reeder), 77, 699
Reeder, George, (husband of Margaret

   “Peggy” Van Cleve, father of Catherine

   Reeder), 23, 37, 42, 43, 45, 47,
   chain carrier for Benjamin V.C., 61,
   to Centerville, 76, 77, 81, 89, 92,
   to Indiana, 107- 108, 149, 258, 260,

   261, 273, 450,
Reeder, Jacob G., (uncle of George

   Reeder), 41-43, 76-77, 700
Reeder, Jonathan Franklin, 76, 154,
Reeder, Joseph IV, (father of Geoege

   Reeder), 23-24, 26-27, 39-43, 45
Reeder, Margaret “Peggy” Van Cleve-,

   (wife of George Reeder, mother of

   Catherine Reeder, see Margaret

   “Peggy” Van Cleve),
   Revolutionary War, 15-16,
   to Ohio, 32, 37, 41, 47, 61,
   to Centerville, 76, 82, 89-91,
   to Indiana, 107-108, 138, 150, 189,

   passing of Margaret, 258-261,
   272, 273, 350, 450, 462, 485
Reeder, Mary, 76
Reeder, Rachel Kennedy- (wife of Ruben

   Reeder), 38
Reeder, Ruben (brother of George

   Reeder), 38
Reeder, Stephen (uncle of George

   Reeder), 76-77
Reeder, Susanna Gano- (grandmother of

   George Reeder), 23, 39
Reeder, William Henry, Harrison, (son of

   George & Margaret Reeder), 86
Reid, Whitelaw, 281-282
Republican Party-New, 211, 243-244,

   247, 273-274
Requarth Lumber Company, 504


Revolutionary War, 13-22, 129-130, 164,

   Battle of Germantown, 17-18
   Battle of Monmouth, 15-16, 19-20
   Battle of Saratoga, 17-18, 87, 130
Richland, Indiana, 99, 108, 26, 284
Richmond High School, 407, 432
Richmond, Indiana,77, 137, 183, 199,

   231, 242, 271, 277, 301, 308, 314, 348,

   380, 384, 389,
   Cousin Samuel in Indiana, 391-392,
   394, 398-421, 423, 427, 432-433, 446-

   447, 463, 490, 509
Richmond, Kentucky, 282
Richmond, Virginia, 303, 305
Ripley, Ohio, 239
Ripon, Wisconsin, 211, 241
River Road, 72-73
Riverside Cemetery-Troy, Oh., 438
Rollins, Ron, 229, 720
Roosevelt, Franklin D,. 554
Root, Amos, 509
Rosecrans, General William S., 293
Rush County, Indiana 99, 107, 108, 133,

   138, 144, 149, 164-165, 168, 170, 173,

   187-189, 192, 239, 251, 258, 260, 273,

   418, 456, 515,
Rushville, Indiana, 244, 271, 273, 315,

   377, 391, 401, 406


Saint Henry’s Catholic Cemetery-Dayton,

   Ohio, 336
Salina, Kansas, 452
Santa Fe, Kansas, 437
Savannah, Georgia, 302, 334
Scioto River, 18, 35, 56, 63
Scott, Dred, 247
Scott, Sir Walter, 435
Scripps, William E., 563-564, 566
Selfridge, Lt. Thomas, 518
Sellars, David, (Isabella Shields husband),

Sellars, Isabella Shields- (dau. of Amy

   Van Cleve-Shields), 222
Seymore, Horatio, 322
Shearer family, 443
Shearer, Albert, (son of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 356, 362, 385, 414, 418,

   424, 505, 524, 530, 574, 741

Shearer, Charles (son of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, Christopher, 158, 234, 249, 299,

Shearer, Clara Caroline (dau. of

   Christopher & Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, Edward (son of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, Effie (dau. of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, Frances Harriet, (dau. of

   Christopher & Harriet) 341, 734
Shearer, Harriet Wright- (wife of

   Christopher, see Harriet Wright). 158,

   234, 249, 299, 340-341, 738
Shearer, John H. (son of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, Martha (dau. of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, Mary (dau. of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, Mary Martin- (wife of Moses),

Shearer, Minnie (dau. of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341-734
Shearer, Moses, (father of Christopher),

   115, 574
Shearer, Susanna, (see Susanna Shearer-

   Wright), 299, 303, 385, 409, 411, 574
Shearer, Valentine, (father of Moses), 77
Shearer, Warren Wright (son of

   Christopher & Harriet), 341, 734
Shearer, William E. (son of Christopher &

   Harriet), 341, 734
Shelby County, 60, 158, 234, 245, 262,

Shenandoah Valley, 295-297, 300, 301
Sheridan, General Phillip, 296-297
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 282, 295,

   297, 300-303, 306, 308-309, 332-337
Shields family, 103-104
Shields, Amy Van Cleve- (see Amy Van

   Cleve), 103-104, 107,139, 222
Shields, Isaac, (husband of Amy Van

   Cleve), 103-104, 139, 141, 152, 222
Shields, Isabella, (dau. of Isaac & Amy

   Shields, see Isabella, Shields-Sellars),

   103, 222, 705
Shields, Benjamin, Daniel, Isabella, John,

   Martha, Mary, Phoebe, Polly (children


   of Amy Van Cleve-Shields and Isaac

   Shields), 705
Shonts, Theodore P., 541
Short, Peyton, 75, 83
Shourd, Amy Benham-, (sister of

   Catherine Benham-V.C.), 30
Shourd, Cornelius, (husband of Amy

   Benham-Shourd), 30
Shuey, Adam, 250-251, 270
Shuey, Reverend William J., 270
Sidney, Ohio, 147, 158, 234, 235, 240,

   245, 249, 251, 261, 290, 307, 327, 340,

   356, 389, 409, 443, 457
Simmons, Lucinda, (wife of Milton’s

   brother William, see Lucinda

   Simmons-Wright ), 251
Simpson, Henrietta Sophia Dover-, 360,

   485, 530
Simpson, Moses, 360
Simpson, Silas, 360, 485
Sines family, 387, 390, 396, 404, 408,

Sines, Ed, 387, 433, 476, 532
Smithsonian Institute, 91, 332, 337, 386,

   467, 477, 480, 481, 498, 513, 520, 521,

   522, 523, 543, 553, 554, 555, 558, 559,

   562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 568, 569, 570,

   571, 572
Snap Shots, 455
Soldiers Home-Dayton, Ohio, 332, 333,

   335, 337, 342, 344, 345, 346, 363, 366,

   367, 368, 369, 370, 376, 424, 425, 427,

   433, 449, 456, 490
Somerset, Ohio, 296
South Carolina, 274-275, 302, 334, 558
Southern Democratic Party, 274
Spokane, Washington, 439
Spratt, George, 503
Springfield, Ill., 250, 306, 308
Springfield, Ohio, 187, 190, 283, 310,

   314, 379, 560
Squire, Major General George, 756
St. Clair, Arthur, 33-35, 42, 44, 46, 55,

   57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 574,
St. Clairsville, Ohio, 122-123, 135, 159
St. Marys Institute, 336
St. Marys, Ohio, 193
St. Paul, Minnesota, 439
Staley’s Mill-Bethel Twp., Miami

   County, Ohio, 125, 711
Statehood, 63-65

Statue of Liberty, 541
Staunton Road, 79, 92, 108, 118, 223,

Staunton Twp. Miami Co., Ohio, 125,

   159, 162, 199, 200, 214,
Steele High School, 464, 524
Steubenville, Ohio, 64, 72
Stoddard manufacturing, 396, 467, 506
Stokes, Clare, (wife of Harry C. Andrews,

   see Clare Stokes-Andrews) 372, 531,

Stokes, Ivonette, (wife of Lorin Wright,

   see Ivonette Stokes-Wright), 451, 536,

Stone, Doctor, 124, 187
Stowe, Harriet Beecher-, 172, 239-240,

Studebaker, Abraham, 233, 239
Studebaker museum, 233
Sturr, Harriet, (2nd wife of Beniah Tharp),

Summit Street United Brethren Church,

   329, 339, 340, 341, 373, 374, 390, 394-

   397, 408, 467, 490,
Supreme Court, 247, 363, 369
Swaynie, Mary Van Cleve-, (see Mary

   Van Cleve & Mary Van Cleve-

   McLain), 142, 304, 348-350, 356,
   ninetieth birthday, 357-360, 371-372,

   375, 382-383, 387-388, 391, 403, 408,
   passing of Mary, 414, 463, 473, 531,

Swaynie, Sarah (dau. of Mary Van Cleve-

   McLain, wife of John Swaynie), 358-

Sweeney family, 97, 98
Sweeney, Martha, (wife of Asahel

   Wright, see Martha Sweeney-Wright),

Sweeney, Sarah Steele- (mother of

   Martha), 191-192
Sweeney, William (father of Martha), 192
Symmes, John Cleves, 32, 36, 46, 55
Syracuse, New York, 270, 306
Szilard, Leo, 502-503


Tadmore, 125, 281, 478-479
Tall Timbers Restaurant, 708
Taney, Roger B., 247
Taft, William Howard, 529-530, 541
Tate’s Ferry, Kentucky, 282


The Tattler, 448
Taylor, Charlie, 339, 395-397, 467, 477,

   491, 495, 497, 506, 510, 528
Taylor, Henrietta Webbert-, 396, 467
Telescope-United Brethren newspaper,

   250, 270, 323, 337, 338, 340, 344, 347,

   359, 373, 385, 390, 394, 396, 398, 404,

   410, 411, 418, 433
Ten Dayton Boys Club, 402, 405, 435-

   436, 447, 489, 524
Tennessee, 147, 280, 282, 291, 293-296,

Terra Haute, Indiana, 222
Tharp, Beniah, (husband of Jane Van

   Cleve), 109, 147, 177-180, 290, 574
   Oregon Historic District home, 716
Tharp, Mary Eliza, (dau. of Jane Van

   Cleve-Tharp, see Mary Eliza Tharp

   -Wagner), 178-180
Tharp, William Van Cleve, (son of Jane

   Van Cleve-Tharp), 178-180
Tharp Jr., Beniah 290
Tharp’s brickyard, 180, 182
Thetford, Vermont, 30, 41, 88
Thomas, Edward, (2nd husband of Helen

   Louise Donson - granddaughter of

   Warren & Louisa Wright), 736
Thompson, Catherine Van Cleve-, (see

   Catherine Benham & Catherine

   Benham-Van Cleve) 54, 82, 92, 139,

   142, 150-151, 188-189, 224, 274, 350
Thompson, Mathew, (son of Samuel &

   Catherine), 151
Thompson, Samuel, (husband of

   Catherine Benham-Van Cleve), 47, 51-

   52, 54, 92, 151, 189, 359, 462
Tilden, Samuel, 354
Times of London, 544
Tipp City, Ohio, 128, 148, 160, 200, 234,

   288, 300, 383, 429, 438, 505, 547
Tippecanoe, Battle of, 81, 200
Tippecanoe, Indiana, 81, 185, 204-205,
Tippecanoe, Ohio, 200, 289, 505
Tobin, James, 493
Toby, Reverend W.O., 737
Toledo, Ohio,56, 82, 84, 369, 443
Toulmin, Harry, 310, 504, 520
Tower of London, 579
Tracy, Senator Uriah, 71
Travelers Hall, 186, 194
Treaty of Greenville, 46, 55

Troy Board of Education, 438
Troy Times, 167-168, 193-194, 202, 317
Troy, Ohio, 79, 104, 124, 128, 132, 157,

   160-161, 186, 192-194, 200, 207-209,

   214, 216, 219-221, 223, 229
   Eliza Wright-Bates enters, 234-235
   240, 242, 245, 249, 251, 261-262, 277,

   Samuel Wright enters, 299-300,
   304, 307,
   Samuel to Dayton, 353
   Alex Heywood returns, 310-313,
   316-319, 321, 327, 332, 347, 349, 351,

   355, 361-362, 373-375, 381, 383, 408,
   Milton Wright visits, 428-430,
   437, 438-439, 479, 505, 509, 516-517,
Truman & Smith Publishing, 172
Turtle Creek Twp., Warren Co., Ohio,



Union Biblical Seminary, 317, 339, 341,

   384, 397, 416
Union County, Indiana, 170-171, 173,

   240, 263-264, 271, 276, 283, 314, 377,

   406, 410, 420, 441, 446
United Brethren Church, 170, 173, 220,

   240, 244, 247, 250-251, 258, 263, 270,

   284, 317, 320, 323, 327, 329, 337-340,

   371, 373, 390-391, 396-398, 432, 467,

United Brethren Missionary Society, 434
United Brethren Publishing, 100, 250,

   340, 390, 396, 506
University of Dayton, 66, 336, 364, 571
University of Notre Dame, 571
Upper Sandusky, 83
U.S. Signal Corps, 577-578
United States Air Force, 569, 577-578


Vallandigham, Clement, 285-286, 288
Van Buren, Martin, 201-202
Van Cleve I, Benjamin (father of John I),

Van Cleve II, Benjamin (son of John I &
   Catherine, brother of William I),
   Revolutionary War, 15, 19, 20
   western Pennsylvania years, 30-31
   to Ohio, 35,
   settling Cincinnati, 44, 45, 46,


   settling Dayton, 52, 54,
   territorial legislature, 57, 59, 61, 62
   clerk of courts & postmaster, 63, 64,

   67, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74,
   Miami University trustee, 75
   War of 1812, 77, 78, 79, 86,
   Asahel Wright connection, 91, 92, 101,
   Benjamin’s passing, 102, 103,
   land holdings, 117, 118,
   descendency, 137, 193, 197,
   252, 258, 300, 348, 349, 360, 371, 372,
   376, 383,387, 485, 491, 530, 531, 574
Van Cleve III, Benjamin (son of William

   Van Cleve I & Effie Westfall-V.C.),

   73, 142, 147, 222
Van Cleve I, John, (husband of Catherine

   Benham-V.C., father of Benjamin &

   William V.C.)
   Revolutionary War, 15-17, 20, 23,
   moving west, 29-33, 35,
   settling Cincinnati, 38-40, 43-44, 197,
Van Cleve II, John (son of Benjamin Van

   Cleve II, mayor of Dayton),
   youth, 61, 65, 81,
   to Ohio U., 90-91, 147,
   purchased Dayton Journal, 151
   W.H.H. presidential campaign, 196-
   197,198, 202, 206, 207, 211,
   Milton Wright’s visit, 251,
   John’s passing, 256-258, 272,
   building the courthouse, 389,
   securing father’s memoirs, 376, 485,
   establishing Woodland Cemetery, 574
Van Cleve I, William (son of John &

   Catherine, brother of Benjamin),
   birth, 20
   western Pennsylvania years, 30-31
   moving to Ohio, 32
   settling Cincinnati, 39
   settling Dayton, 51-52, 54-57, 693
   moving to Van Buren Twp., 58-59, 65-

   66, 68-69, 71-72, 76-77,
   property records, 695
   War of 1812, 78-79, 82-84,
   moving to Warren St., 84, 86, 87, 89-

   90, 95-97
   marriage to Elizabeth Wright, 99-104
   Benjamin’s passing, 102-104
   moving to Wayne Twp., 107-109, 111-

   117, 119-120, 121, 125, 132, 134, 136-


   friendship with Asahel Wright , 120-

   121, 139-142
   William’s passing, 139-145, 146-147, 151-152,
   descendency, 153, 156, 174, 178-179,

   183, 188-189, 193, 198-200, 213, 222,

   231, 234-235, 242-243, 246, 257, 274,

   279, 280-281, 290, 296, 304, 307-308,

   360, 383, 387, 404, 421, 472-474, 479,

   504, 507, 531, 572, 574-575
Van Cleve II, William (son of Benjamin,

   V.C.II), 66, 73
Van Cleve III, William, (son of Isaac Van

   Cleve, grandson of William I), 152
Van Cleve, Amy Louise, (dau. of William

   V.C.II & Elizabeth Wright-V.C.) 122,

   129, 473
Van Cleve, Amy, (dau. of John V.C. &

   Catherine Benham-V.C., see Amy Van

   Cleve-Shields), 32, 44, 47, 54, 103-

   104, 107, 139, 222
Van Cleve, Anna, (dau. of John V.C. &

   Catherine Benham-V.C., see Anna Van

   Cleve Holt), 15, 20, 30, 32
Van Cleve, Bellaire, (dau. of Benjamin

   V.C. III & Jane Adams-V.C.), 222
Van Cleve, Beniah, (son of Isaac Van

   Cleve I & Elanore Suman-V.C.), 152
Van Cleve, Catherine Benham-, (wife of

   John, see Catherine Van Cleve-

   Revolutionary War, 15-16, 20, 29,
   moving to Ohio, 33
   Cincinnati home, 43
   lost husband John, 44
   remarried, 47
   settling Dayton, 51-54, 693
   War of 1812, sewing troop shirts, 82
   son Benjamin’s passing, 102
   son William’s passing, 139
   Milton Wright’s birth, 150-152
   Catherine’s passing, 188-189
   210, 223, 243, 274, 350, 462, 573, 577
Van Cleve, Catherine, (dau. of Wm. V.C.
   I & Sarah Miley-V.C., see Catherine

   Van Cleve-McFadden),
   174, 214, 233, 235, 245, 261, 280-281,

   290, 478-479, 485, 507, 531
   Dan Jr. & Catherine Wright visit, 190,



   Milton Wright visits, 224, 478-479,

Van Cleve, Effie Westfall-, (wife of

   William Van Cleve I), 58, 60, 65, 72-

   74, 77, 82, 86, 111-112, 137-138, 147,

   151-152, 179, 199, 360
Van Cleve, Effie, (dau, of William Van

   Cleve I & Effie Westfall-V.C., see

   Effie Van Cleve-Whitley), 86, 96, 104,

   137-138, 142, 147, 307, 359, 360
Van Cleve, Elanore Suman-, (wife of

   Isaac), 119-120, 152
Van Cleve, Eliza, (dau, of William Van Cleve I & Effie Westfall-V.C., see Eliza Van

   Cleve-Ogan,), 92, 104, 137-

   138, 142, 178, 183, 199, 308
Van Cleve, Elizabeth, (dau. of Benjamin

   Van Cleve III & Jane Adams-V.C.),

Van Cleve, Elizabeth Wright-, (dau. of

   Dan Sr. & Sarah Wright, 3rd wife of

   William Van Cleve I, see Elizabeth

   marriage to William Van Cleve, 97-104
Van Cleve, Henrietta, (dau. of Benjamin

   V.C.II), 75, 102, 120, 142, 258, 349,

   360, 372, 376, 382-383, 387-389, 485,

Van Cleve I, Isaac, (son of William Van

   Cleve I & Effie Westfall-Van Cleve)
   65, 74, 116, 120, 143, 152
Van Cleve II, Isaac, (son of Benjamin

   Van Cleve III, grandson of Wm. Van

   Cleve I & Effie Westfall-V.C.), 222
Van Cleve, Jane, (dau. of Wm. Van Cleve

   I & Effie Westfall-V.C., see Jane Van

   Cleve-Tharp) 72, 109, 142, 177-179,

Van Cleve, Margaret “Peggy”,

   (grandmother of Milton Wright, see

   Margaret “Peggy” Van Cleve-Reeder),
   Revolutionary War, 15, 20, 32-33
   to Ohio, 37
   Cincinnati years, 41-42, 46-47, 61
   to Centerville, 76, 82, 89-90, 92,
   Indiana years, 107-108, 138, 150, 189,
   Margaret’s passing, 258-261, 272,
   influence on Milton, 350, 450, 462, 485
Van Cleve, Mary Cornelia, (dau. of

   Benjamin V.C. & Mary Whitten-V.C.,

   see Mary Van Cleve-Andrews Van)

   102, 137, 258, 300, 371, 389, 531, 574
Van Cleve, Mary Templin-, (2nd wife of

   Benj. V.C.), 78, 82
Van Cleve, Mary Whitten-, (1st wife of

   Benj. V.C.), 58, 61, 62, 73, 75
Van Cleve, Mary, (see Mary Van Cleve-

   McLain & Mary Van Cleve-Swaynie),

   31, 44, 47,
   Settling Dayton 51, 54, 693, 65
   ninetieth birthday, 357
   passing of Mary, 414
Van Cleve, Oscar, (son of Benjamin V.C.

   III & Jane Adams-V.C.), 222
Van Cleve, Philena (dau. of William Van

   Cleve I & Elizabeth Wright-V.C.),

   136-137, 142, 147, 164, 174-175, 183,

   186, 188, 473-474, 575
Van Cleve, Rachel Covenhoven- (mother

   of John Van Cleve I), 29
Van Cleve, Sarah Miley- (2nd wife of

   Wm. Van Cleve I), 87, 89, 96, 115,

   125, 147, 154, 156, 174, 280, 479
Van Cleve, Sarah Sophia, (dau. of

   Benjamin V.C. II & Mary Whitten-

   V.C., see Sarah Sophia Van Cleve-

   Baker), 75, 92, 103, 142, 258, 371, 387,

   389, 530, 574
Van Cleve, Sarah, (dau. of Elizabeth

   Wright-V.C. & Wm. Van Cleve I, see

   Sarah Van Cleve-Heywood & Sarah

   Van Cleve-Worth), 88, 109, 175, 195,

   198-199, 218
Van Cleve, Sarah, (dau. of Benj. V.C. III

   & Jane Adams-Van Cleve), 222
Van Cleve Park, 467, 578
Van Cleve Tavern, (William Van Cleve I,

   proprietor), 83-84, 89, 90, 92, 100, 109-

   112, 121, 146, 152, 199
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 541
Vermont, 19, 30, 41, 77, 87-88, 91-92,

   159, 231, 315
Vicksburg, Mississippi, 287-288, 295


Wabash County, Ind., 101, 228, 235, 240-

   241, 256, 261, 310, 391
WACO, 516, 578
Wagner, Lindsay C., 523
Wagner, Rachael Webbert-, 395-397, 437,

   467, 506, 548, 737


Wagner, William Webbert (son of

   Rachael), 396, 467, 491, 506-507
Wagon manufacture, 172
Waite, Morrison R., 369-370
Walcott, Charles, 562
Wallace, A.E. (husband of Sarah Jane

   Wright), 721
Wallace, Anna M., Charles E., Cora E.,

   Edward H., John A., Minnie M.,

   (children of A.E. Wallace & Sarah Jane

   Wright-Wallace), 721
Wallace, Sarah Jane Wright-, (dau. of

   Edmund Wright and Anna Arnold-

   Wright, see Sarah Jane Wright), 227,

Wapakoneta, Ohio, 578
War of 1812, 78-88,
   Dayton in the war, 78-86
   William Van Cleve volunteers, 78, 143
   surrender of Fort Detroit, 80
   building Fort Meigs, 84
   Perry’s victory on Lake Erie, 85
   Battle of Thames, 85
   Battle of New Orleans, 88
Warlick, John, 758
Warren County, Ohio, 20, 45, 57, 74, 97,

   191, 291
Warren, Lindsey (N.C. Congressman),

Washington County, Pa., 31-32, 102, 260,

Washington City, (Washington D.C.),

Washington, George, 16-17, 19, 23, 33,

   130, 258
Washington Post, 537
Washington Twp., Montgomery Co.,

   Asahel Wright home restoration, 98,

Watseke, Illinois, 450
Wayne Township, 58, 72, 77, 79, 89, 92,

   95, 97,101, 103,
   William Van Cleve enters Wayne

   Twp., 107, 108, 110, 113-122,
   Asahel Wright moves north, 125, 126,
   128-129, 136,
   William V.C.’s passing, 139-140, 142-

   143,148,151-153, 156, 158, 174-175,
   William’s daughter Jane buys farm,

   177-180, 210, 218-219, 230-231, 234,

   245, 249, 251-252, 290, 296,327, 340,

   357, 471, 473-474,
   Milton Wright visits McFaddens, 478-

   479, 485, 504, 531, 574
Webbert, Ann & Melchior, 395
Webbert, Charles (grandson of Ann &

   Melchior, son of Henry, landlord of the

   Wright brothers), 395
   Charles Webbert / Harriet Webbert-

   Taylor genealogical link, 736
Webbert, David, (father of Harriet), 339,

Webbert, Harriet, (wife of Charles

   Taylor), 396, 467
   Harriet Webbert-Taylor / Charles

   Webbert genealogical link, 736
Webbert, Henry, (father of David, brother

   of Melchior), 395
Webbert, Henry, (son of Ann & Melchior,

   father of Charles), 395
Webbert, Rachael (aunt of Charles

   Webbert, see Rachael Webbert-

   Wagner), 395-397, 437, 467, 506, 548
Webster, Daniel, 197, 211
West Alexandria, Ohio, 222
West Charleston, Ohio, 128, 148, 186,

   194, 200
West Point, 148, 293, 295-296, 300, 335,

West Side News, 444
West Virginia, army of, 296
Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, 393
Western Society of Engineers, 474, 492
Westerville, Ohio, 387, 434
Westfall, Effie (see Effie Westfall-Van

Westfall, William, 58, 60
Whig Party, 192-193, 201, 204, 211, 241,

   243, 364, 441
White House, 203, 306, 392, 402, 404,

   471, 526-530
White River Conference, 219, 240
Whitehead, Gustave, 562
Whitewater State Park, 409
Whitley, Effie Van Cleve- (dau, of Wm.

   V.C., wife of James), 307-308, 360
Whitley, James (husband of Effie Van

   Cleve), 307-308, 360,
Whitten, Mary, (wife of Benjamin Van

   Cleve II), 58, 75, 137, 371, 387, 574


Wight Lumber Company, 312, 349, 362,

   385, 414-415, 418, 543,
Wilkinson, James, 55
Williamsburg, Ohio, 61
Williamsburg, Indiana, 273
Williamson, Tom, 703
Williamson, Pliney, 541
Wilson, Rev. Maurice, 551
Winchell, Austin, 375
Winchell, Laura Harris- (dau. of Sarah

   Wright-Harris, niece of Milton Wright),

Wittenberg College, 352
Womans Sufferage, 549
Woodland Cemetery, 253, 257, 336, 337,

   389,445, 456, 480, 490, 506, 545, 551,

   559, 573,574, 575, 576, 577, 579
Woodward, Sarah Ann, 148-149, 288
Woodward, William, 148,
World War I, 551
Worth, Audion Floridon, 243, 422
Worth, Ossian Heywood, 243, 255, 274
Worth, Rev. Aaron, (2nd husband of Sarah

   Van Cleve), 243-244, 404-406, 507
Worth, Sarah Van Cleve- (see Sarah Van

   Cleve & Sarah Van Cleve-Heywood),

   245-246, 252, 254-256, 261, 321, 405-

   406, 421, 472-473, 507
Worthington, Thomas, 64, 71
Wright Airplane Manufacturing Plant,

Wright-B-Flyer Inc., 577, 752
Wright Brothers Monument, 54
Wright Company, 542
Wright Cycle Company, 455
Wright Family Foundation, 577, 752
Wright Image Group, 578
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, 578,

Wright & Wright job printers, 453
Wright, Amanda, (dau. of Wilkinson

   Wright, see Amanda Wright Lane) 576
Wright, Asahel, (son of Dan Sr. & Sarah),
   youth, 41,
   to Ohio, 87-88, 91,
   marriage to Martha Sweeney, 97-99,
   101, 104, 109-110, 115, 119,
   friendship with Wm. Van Cleve, 120-

   121, 139-142,

   to Bethel Twp., Miami Co., Ohio, 122-

   126, 128-129, 131-134, 136, 143-144,

   146, 147-152,
   Asahel’s farmhouse location, 710
   sister Elizabeth moves to Bethel, 153-

   163, 165, 167-168, 173-176, 184-188,

   190-196, 199, 201-203, 208-210,
   Asahel’s passing, 212-214, 216, 218-

   Milton Wright visits family, 221 223-

   224, 227, 230-232,
   selling family farm, 235, 239, 245, 253,

   256, 261, 271-273, 275, 279-280, 288,
   wife Martha’s passing, 291-292, 296,

   son Warren, 310, 312, 315, 319, 347,
   son Samuel, 351-353, 356, 361, 373,

   375, 379, 381, 385, 387, 411, 414, 440-

   441, 447, 472-473,
   Milton Wright gravesite visit, 478, 505,

   507-508, 524, 530, 560-561, 574-575,
Wright, Benoni, (father of Dan Sr.), 17,

   29, 381
Wright, Bertha Ellwyn, (dau. of Reuchlin

   & Lulu), 488-489, 530
Wright, Catherine Louise (dau. of

   Reuchlin & Lulu) 436, 442, 450-451
Wright, Catherine Reeder-, (wife of Dan

   Jr., see Catherine Reeder)
   childhood in Cincinnati,62,
   to Centerville, 76,
   marriage to Dan Wright Jr.,92, 94,
   to Indiana, 98-99, 107-108, 143-146,

   148-149, 154, 170, 189, 212, 216-220,

   222, 224
   son Milton’s Oregon mission, 249, 251,
   Milton’s homecoming, 273, 280, 283,
   Catherine’s passing, 314-315, 320, 327,

   400, 504
Wright, Clara, (dau. of Samuel & Maria),

   230, 277, 290, 299, 352-353, 362, 385,

   391, 411, 423, 443, 479, 530
Wright, Clifford, (son of Warren &

   Louisa), 234, 245, 252, 314, 352
Wright, Dan Eramus (son of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Dan Jr.,
   birth, 41,
   to Ohio, 87-88
   the Centerville years, 92, 94, 97,


   to Indiana, 98-100,103-104, 107-108,

   126, 132-133, 138, 140-141,143-144,

   148-157, 160-162, 164-165, 167-168,

   174, 176, 186-187,190-192, 196, 199,

   209, 212-214, 217-220, 239, 242, 253,

   260, 273, 278-279, 315, 320, 327, 373,

   375, 441
Wright, Dan Sr.,
   Revolutionary War, 17-19, 29, 41, 77,
   to Ohio, 87-88,
   the Centerville years, 91-92, 109, 119,
   124, 130,
   to Bethel Township, 131, 136, 139-
   142, 156,158- 159, 161-162,
   Dan Sr.’s, passing, 164-167, 170, 185,
   188, 195,199, 218, 232-233, 243, 273,
   275-276, 279, 303, 373, 428- 430, 438,
   440, 447,
   Milton Wright visits gravesite, 478,
   507, 561, 575
Wright, Delila Stephens-, (wife of

   Harvey), 218, 375, 377, 391, 509
Wright, Druzilla (dau. of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Edgar, (son of Warren & Louisa),

   234, 252, 314, 352
Wright, Edmund Freeman, (oldest son of

   Asahel & Martha), 98, 101, 104, 115,
   to Bethel Twp., 124, 125, 139, 146,

   158, 162, 175, 176, 184, 190, 203, 209,

   212, 213, 214, 216,
   marriage to Anna Arnold, 218, 219,

   220, 223,
   move to Indiana, 227, 228, 235, 239,

   240, 241, 248, 252, 253, 256, 262, 274,

   291, 319, 353, 379, 391
Wright, Eliza (dau. of Porter & Lois, see

   Eliza Wright-Heywood, Eliza Wright-

   Bates, Eliza Wright-Culbertson)

   marriage to Nathaniel Heywood,
   passing of Nathaniel, 207-209
   marriage to Daniel Bates, 216
   passing of Daniel, 234
   marriage to Samuel Culbertson, 249
   passing of Samuel, 375
   Eliza’s passing, 437
Wright, Elizabeth (wife of William Van

   Cleve I, mother of Sarah V.C.-Worth,

   see Elizabeth Wright-Van Cleve) 26,

   87-88, 91,
   marriage to William Van Cleve, 97-

   move to Wayne Twp.,109-110, 116,

   122, 129, 138
   passing of William, 139-145,
   153, 156, 174, 177, 183, 188, 198-199,

   passing of Elizabeth, 231-232,
   242-243, 246, 274, 279, 360, 383, 387,

   404, 421, 438, 472, 507, 575
Wright, Ellis, (son of Wm. & Lucinda),

   251, 320, 400, 420, 428, 508
Wright, Emma Jane (dau. of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Ernst, (son of Warren & Louisa),

   234, 353, 356, 381
Wright, Eva Etta (dau. of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Flora, (dau. of William. &

   Lucinda Wright), 251. 320, 375, 377,

   381-383, 400, 420, 428
Wright, Frances A. (dau. of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, George (son of Harvey & Delila),

   374-375, 737
Wright, Harriet Ella, (dau. of Samuel &

   Maria Wright), 230, 272, 290, 299,

   362, 385, 391, 411, 428, 479
Wright, Harriet, (dau. of Asahel &

   Martha, see Harriet-Wright-Shearer),
   160, 175, 190, 218, 223-224, 235, 245,

   290, 340, 381, 386, 414, 443, 530, 574
Wright, Harvey, (brother of Milton),
   born in Centerville, Ohio, 98,
   145, 148-149, 164, 189, 190,
   mentoring Milton, 212, 214,
   marriage to Delila, 218, 219,
   220, 228, 229, 248, 249, 253, 271,
   preaching in Centerville, 273-274,
   278, 314, 315, 320, 321,
   visiting on Hawthorn St., 375, 377,

   382, 391, 406, 418,
   visiting Van Cleve Park, 456-457,
   509, 515
Wright, Helen Margaret, (dau. of

   Reuchlin & Lulu Wright), 487-490,

Wright, Herbert (son of Reuchlin & Lulu

   Wright), 455, 487-490, 530


Wright, Horace, (son of Lorin & Ivonette

   Wright), 492
Wright, Ivonette (dau. of Lorin & Ivonette

   Wright), 487-488
Wright, Ivonette Stokes-, (wife of Lorin

   Wright, see Ivonette Stokes), 451, 536,

Wright, John (son of Harvey & Delila),

   374-375, 737
Wright, John C., (son of Samuel &

   Maria), 230, 253, 290, 332, 362, 391,

   411, 479, 508-509, 548-549, 574-575
Wright, John Quincy, (son of Asahel &

   Martha), 123-125, 130, 146, 162, 175,

   190, 197, 203, 213-214, 218, 220, 223-

   225, 227, 252-253, 256, 270-271, 274,

Wright, Joseph Alvin (son of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Katharine, (dau. of Milton &

   Susan Wright) 337, 351, 428, 433, 440,
   mother Susan’s passing, 444-447,
   449, 451-452, 454-457, 462,
   Orville’s typhoid, 468-471, 473, 480,

   492, 498, 500, 509,
   Ft. Myers plane crash, 518-519,
   524, 526, 528-530, 541, 543, 546-549,

   marriage, 553-554
   letter to Gov. Cox, 554-557,
   passing, 559,
   563, 573, 576
Wright, Leontine (dau. of Lorin &

   Ivonette Wright), 487-488, 530
Wright, Lois Powers-, (wife of Porter

   Wright), 88, 91, 159-160, 192, 437
Wright, Lorin,
   birth in Indiana, 277,
   283, 314-315, 323,
   move to Dayton, 327,
   332, 341-342, 344, 347, 357, 362, 367,
   373, 377-378, 388, 397, 400-407, 409,
   United States patent, 411,
   412-423, 433-436, 442-443, 446-447,
   marriage to Ivonette Stokes, 451,
   453, 455-457, 464, 469, 480, 486-490,
   492, 500, 509, 530-531, 549, 553, 559,
   Lorin’s passing, 568, 574, 576,

Wright, Louisa Belle (dau. of Warren and

   Louisa Wright), 234, 352-353, 355-

   356, 381, 574
Wright, Louisa Demarest-, (wife of

   Warren Wright), 227, 230, 234, 245,

   252, 314, 352-356, 530, 575, 733
Wright, Lucinda Simmons-, (wife of

   Milton’s brother William), 251, 320,

   400, 407, 420, 509
Wright, Luella Grace (dau. of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Maria Crane-, (wife of Samuel

   Wright), 230, 234, 241, 256, 272, 290,

   299, 478, 508, 530, 575
Wright, Marion, (2nd wife of Wilkinson,

   Wright), 576
Wright, Martha Sweeney-, (wife of

   Asahel Wright, see Martha Sweeney),
   marriage to Asahel, 97-98,
   101, 104, 110, 123,
   to Bethel Twp., 124, 126, 136, 141,

   146, 158, 162-164, 185,
   passing of Asahel, 212-216,
   218, 220, 230, 233, 261,
   passing of Martha, 291-292
Wright, Milton (son of Lorin & Ivonette

   Wright) 487, 530, 571
Wright, Milton, (son of Dan Wright Jr. &

   Catherine Reeder-Wright), 24, 31, 32,

   37, 62, 63, 69, 76, 89, 91,
   parents meet in Centerville, 92, 94, 98,
   100, 104, 108, 109, 125, 143,
   birth, 149, 153,
   158, 160, 161, 164, 170, 189, 190, 196,

   199, 202, 208, 212, 216,
   spiritual awakening, 217, 218, 219, 220

   visiting Bethel Twp., 221-226,
   227, 232, 234, 235, 239, 240, 241, 242,

   244, 245,
   Oregon mission, 247, 249, 250, 251,

   253, 255, 256, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264,

   269, 270,

   marriage, 271, 272, 273,
   Reuchlin’s birth, 274, 275, 276, 277,
   father Dan’s passing, 278, 279, 280, 281,
   Lorin’s birth, 283, 284, 293, 295, 298,

   300, 301, 306, 308, 311, 312, 313,
   mother Catherine’s passing, 314-315,
   Wilbur’s birth, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321,

   move to Dayton, 327,


   Otis & Ida, 328, 329, 330, 332, 335,

   336, 337, 338, 339, 340,
   Orville’s birth, 341, 344, 347, 348, 349,


   Katherine’s birth, 351, 352, 353,

   355, 356, 357, 359, 360,
   cousin Samuel moves to Dayton, 361,

   362, 367, 371, 372,
   elected bishop, 373, 374, 375, 376,
   to Iowa, 377, 379-399,
   to Richmond, 400-420, 421,
   return to Dayton, 422, 423, 424,
   visiting Troy, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433-


   Susan’s passing, 444-447, 450-457,
   centennial of Dayton, 461-474,
   visiting Bethel Twp., 478, 479,
   the flying years, 476-477, 480, 485,

   486, 487, 490, 491-492, 498, 500-509,

   visiting Troy, 516, 517,
   530, 537, 543, 546- 550,
   Milton’s passing, 551, 552, 560, 571,

Wright, Orville, 16, 19, 31, 37, 65, 89,

   101, 115, 137, 172, 218, 226, 295,
   Ohio presidential icons, 298,
   great-grandsons in N. Carolina, 303,
   Springfield patent attorney, 310,
   313, 328, 337, 339,
   birth, 341
   President Grant visits Dayton, 342,

   346, 347,
   birth of Katherine, 351,
   early schooling, 353-354, 357,
   President Hayes visits Dayton, 362-367,
   meeting the Army, 369-371,
   372, 373, 377, 378,
   the “Bat”, 379,
   friend Ed Sines, 387,
   the Iowa years, 388, 389, 392,
   to Richmond, 396, 401, 405, 407, 410,

   return to Dayton, 420, 423, 428, 432,

   print business, 440, 444
   Benj. Harrison presidential campaign,

   mother Susan’s passing, 446, 447,
   Paul Laurence Dunbar friendship, 448,
   449, 450,

   bicycle business, 452, 453, 454, 455,
   centennial of Dayton, 461-467,
   typhoid fever, 468-471, 744
   473, 474, 475,
   studying flight, 476-477,
   to Kitty Hawk, 484, 489, 491-499,
   flying from Dayton, 501, 503-505, 508-511, 513,
   the world stage, 515, 517, 520-523,
   Ft. Myers crash, 518-519,
   welcome home, 524-528, 529, 530-532,

   535, 536, 537, 541, 542,
   Wilbur’s passing, 543-546,
   moving to Hawthorn Hill, 547-550,
   Bishop Wright’s passing, 551-552,
   Katherine’s marriage, 553-554,
   exiling ’03 Flyer to England, 558,
   Katherine’s passing, 559,
   bike shop to Michigan, 562-568,
   resolving the Smithsonian conflict,

   Orville’s passing, 573-579
Wright, Otis and Ida, 328
Wright, Porter, 88, 91, 160, 187, 190,

   192, 242, 245, 249, 273, 279, 293, 302,

   308, 374, 375, 437-438, 440,
Wright, Reuchlin,
   born in Indiana, 274-278,
   280, 283, 314-315, 323,
   to Dayton, 327,
   332, 341-342, 344, 347, 357, 362, 367,
   373, 377-378, 385-386, 397, 401-402,
   405, 407, 409-410, 412, 413, 414-420,
   422-424, 428,
   marriage to Lulu Billheimer, 433-436,
   440, 442-443,
   to Birmingham, Ala., 436
   to Kansas City, 446-447, 450-452,
   455, 457, 475, 486-490, 492, 506, 530,

   543, 546-547, 549-550
   Reuchlin’s passing, 553
Wright, Rhoda Carrie (dau. of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Samuel Smith, (son of Dan

   Wright Jr. & Catherine Reeder), 94, 98,

   149, 164, 190, 212, 280, 315, 382
Wright, Samuel, (son of Asahel &

   born in Centerville, Ohio, 104,
   to Bethel Twp., 124, 139, 146, 148,

   158, 162, 175-176, 184, 214, 227, 229,


   marriage to Maria Crane, 230, 231
   passing of brother William, 232
   selling the Bethel Twp. farm, 233-234,
   235, 239,
   to Grant Co. Indiana, 241,
   247, 249, 261, 272, 274, 284,
   passing of wife Maria, 290,
   to Troy, Ohio, 298-300,
   303, 307, 310, 312, 316-319, 327, 332,

   347, 350,
   Troy properties, 729
   United States patent, 351, 355,
   to Dayton, 361, 371, 379, 381, 383,

   to Cambridge City, Ind., 391, 400,
   405-407, 411-414, 420, 421, 429, 439,
   Samuel’s passing, 478, 508, 548,
Wright, Sarah Belle, (dau. of Samuel &

   Maria Wright), 235, 241, 290, 575
Wright, Sarah Catherine, (dau. of

   William. & Lucinda Wright), 251, 400
Wright, Sarah Jane (dau. of Edmund

   Wright and Anna Arnold-Wright), 227
Wright, Sarah Freeman-, (wife of Dan

   Sr.), 26-27,
   marriage to Dan Wright Sr., 29, 41,
   to Ohio, 87-88,
   110, 131, 136, 140-141, 143, 157, 159,

   161, 163,
   passing of Dan Wright Sr., 164, 167,
   190, 199, 213, 216-217,
   passing of Sarah Freeman-Wright,

   220-221, 279, 303, 321, 561, 575
Wright, Sarah Jane, (dau. of Edmund

   Wright & Anna Arnold-Wright), 227
Wright, Sarah, (dau. of Asahel & Martha

   Wright), 124, 163, 190, 214, 223, 261,

   272, 274, 291, 391
Wright, Sarah, (sister of Milton, see Sarah

   Wright-Harris), 149,
   marriage, 217-218
   271, 320-321, 375, 452
Wright, Stephen, (son of Wilkinson

   Wright), 576
Wright, Susan Koerner-, (wife of Milton,

   see Susan Koerner),
   to Indiana, 170, 172-173, 235
   at Hartsville College, 240
   Milton’s Oregon mission, 249, 263-


   marriage to Milton, 271 273-274, 276-

   278, 283, 298, 314-315, 323,
   to Dayton, 327-328, 331-332, 337-338,

   351, 353, 357, 367, 369, 371,
   to Iowa, 373-375, 377, 379-380, 384,

   387, 389, 391-392, 395, 397, 399,
   to Richmond, 400-401, 403-404, 406-

   407, 409-412, 415, 423, 432, 437, 441,
   Susan’s passing, 445, 456, 480, 490,

   506, 545, 551, 573, 576,
Wright, Susanna Shearer-, (2nd wife of

   Samuel Wright), 299, 303, 385, 409,

   411, 479, 574
Wright, Thomas (son of Harvey &

   Delila), 374-375, 737
Wright, Warren, (son of Asahel & Martha

   Wright), 136, 146, 162, 175, 190, 203,

   214, 218, 227-230, 234-235, 245, 251-

   253, 264, 277, 283, 290-291, 310, 314,

   327, 351, 352, 379, 733
   United States patent, 440,
   447, 560, 561, 574,
Wright, Warren, (son of Wm. Monroe

   Wright, grandson of Asahel), 560

Wright, Wilbur, 16, 19, 31, 37, 65, 89,

   101,115, 172, 218, 283, 295,
   Ohio presidential icons, 298
   great-grandsons in N. Carolina, 303
   Springfield patent attorney, 310, 313,

   birth, 316, 317
   to Dayton, 323, 327, 328,
   General Sherman visits Dayton, 332-

   337, 339
   Orville is born, 341
   President Grant visits Dayton, 342-
   344, 345,
   Katherine is born, 347, 351, 357
   President Hayes visits Dayton, 362-
   367, 373, 377, 378,
   “the bat”, 379-380, 386, 396, 400, 401,
   Richmond years, 405, 406, 407, 416,
   return to Dayton, 423, 432, 433-436,
   Benj. Harrison presidential campaign,
   mother’s passing, 444-447,
   448, 450-452,
   bicycle business, 452-455,


   centennial of Dayton, 461-467, 473-
   Orville’s typhoid, 468-471,
   studying flight, 476-477,
   the letter, 480-483,
   to Kitty Hawk, 484, 489-496, 499,
   flying from Dayton, 501, 503-505,
   the world stage, 515, 517-519, 521-
   welcome home, 524-532, 534, 536-
   537, 541-542
   Wilbur’s passing, 543-546,
   547, 549, 551, 553-555, 559, 563, 567,
   569, 572-573, 576-578,
Wright, Wilkinson, 571, 576, 674
Wright, William A., (son of Samuel &

   Maria Wright), 230, 332, 362, 385,

   391, 311, 479
Wright, William, (son of Asahel &

   Martha Wright), 163, 175, 213, 219,

   224, 227-229, 232
Wright, William, (brother of Milton), 190
   visit to Bethel Twp., 221-226
   marriage to Lucinda Simmons, 251
   William’s passing, 320, 508
Wright, William, (son of Porter & Lois

   Wright), 88, 91, 192
Wright, William Monroe, (son of Warren

   & Louisa), 230, 252-253, 278, 352-353,

   379, 440, 447, 530, 560, 574, 749


Xenia, Ohio, 62, 179, 225, 226, 227, 230,

   234, 235, 240, 245, 251, 252, 255, 261,

   264, 278, 283, 290, 310, 314, 351, 352,

   379, 440, 560, 569


Yale University, 432-434
Yellow, Springs, Ohio, 77
York, Pennsylvania, 444
YMCA, 532


Zahm, Albert, 520-522, 554-556, 562-

   568, 570-571
Zane, Ebenezer, 55, 56
Zane’s Trace, 55, 90, 134-135, 296
Zanesville, 56, 134-135, 146, 154-155,

   157, 159, 296

Zeller, Caroline (wife of D.K. Zeller,

   sister of Susan Koerner), 170,384, 389,

   400-401, 406, 415, 445-447, 490
Zeller, D.K., 384, 389, 392, 400-401, 446,

   447, 490
Zumwald, Teresa, 229, 720


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